Aarhus University Seal

Foucault in focus

CESAU has, as a new initiative, chosen to arrange a seminar once every semester, focusing on a sociological thinker - chosen by the students. We would like to say thanks for the suggestions we have received. This semester, the students have chosen to focus on Michel Foucault.

Lars Thorup Hansen and Jens Erik Kristensen have agreed to take part in a discussion as to how they make use of Foucault in their current research, and we are working on arranging further presentations.

Date and time

February 21, 2:00-5:00 pm


Aarhus University. Further info to follow.

Read the article: "What does Foucault mean to you?"

In anticipation of the seminar, CESAU has taken the Foucault temperature at Aarhus University. We have asked researchers and students from several different fields what the influential French philosopher means to them.

  • Read the article here.